Ran TAO Beijing Institute of Technology, China
Editorial Board Members
Runqi CAI Beijing Institute of Technology, China
Qi CHEN Beijing Institute of Technology, China
Lei DONG Beijing Institute of Technology, China
Haibin DUAN Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China
Zhun FAN Shantou University, China
Ying FU Beijing Institute of Technology, China
Pedram GHAMISI The Institute of Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Germany
Yujie GU Temple University, USA
Cheng HU Beijing Institute of Technology, China
Han HU Beijing Institute of Technology, China
Jie HU Beijing Institute of Technology, China
Lingling HUANG Beijing Institute of Technology, China
Yixin HUO Beijing Institute of Technology, China
Cheng JIN Beijing Institute of Technology, China
Hua JIN Beijing Institute of Technology, China
Peter D. LEE University Colledge London, UK
Bingzhao LI Beijing Institute of Technology, China
Wei LI Beijing Institute of Technology, China
Yongzhe LI Beijing Institute of Technology, China
Bin LIAO Shenzhen University, China
Kun LIU Beijing Institute of Technology, China
Xinfu LIU Beijing Institute of Technology, China
Zikui LIU The Pennsylvania State University, USA
Jianjun MA Beijing Institute of Technology, China
Jie MA Beijing Institute of Technology, China
James MORRIS Ames Laboratory, USA
Antonio NAPOLITANO University of Naples "Parthenope", Italy
Haldun M. OZAKTAS Bilkent University, Turkey
Tu PENG Beijing Institute of Technology, China
Paul SCHEUNDERS University of Anterwerp, Belgium
Jianli SHAO Beijing Institute of Technology, China
Jianbing SHEN Inception Institute of Artificial Intelligence, United Arab Emirates
John SHERIDAN University College Dublin, Ireland
Dawei SHI Beijing Institute of Technology, China
Ljubisa STANKOVIC University of Montenegro, Montenegro
Jian SUN Beijing Institute of Technology, China
Weifu SUN Beijing Institute of Technology, China
Gang WANG Beijing Institute of Technology, China
Jia’nan WANG Beijing Institute of Technology, China
Jinliang WANG Beijing Institute of Technology, China
Junsheng WANG Beijing Institute of Technology, China
Yeliang WANG Beijing Institute of Technology, China
Zhongbao WEI Beijing Institute of Technology, China
Xianggen XIA University of Delaware, USA
Chengwen XING Beijing Institute of Technology, China
Rui XIONG Beijing Institute of Technology, China
Wei XU Beijing Institute of Technology, China
Nicolas H. YOUNAN Mississippi State University, USA
Weifeng ZHANG Beijing Institute of Technology, China
Fuchun ZHENG Harbin Institute of Technology, China
Tao ZHOU University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China
Tong ZHU Beijing Institute of Technology, China
(The names are arranged alphabetically by surname)